好勁呀! hahaha~~ (嚴重自戀中! ^^")


Lady in the water 禍水

If you think this is a horror movie, you are dead wrong ^^"

Its sort of a black comedy which talks about a fairy tale, a Korean bedtime story, and many plot twists in it is going to make you laugh rather than afraid.

Overall I think the tale itself is not the most important element of the movie, if you are going to watch it, pls try to enjoy the imagination of the writer for bringing all the seemingly unrelevant characters and details altogether, even though it doesnt completely make sense ^^".

P.S: a funny scene for us HK ppl is that when the actor tried to know more about the fairy tale by asking the KOREAN family in their room, the song coming out from their radio is actually a cantoese pop song XDDDD everyone is laughing, its obvious a mistake. I won't tell you what song it is, just go to watch and listen it yourself heeee :P

2 則留言:

cOcO 說...


Kin 說...

Blogspot 是我家 XDDDD

its good, go to watch,
I give it a 8/10 :P