好勁呀! hahaha~~ (嚴重自戀中! ^^")


Website building business

Congratulation to Dailo and Muiji!!!! :D

having know them for a decode (or more!)
its a pleasure to be brother of their wedding
and be able to bulid up their own very cute wedding website!

here it is:

The music, the photos, the slideshows, the guestbook and its display,
the facebook likes, and the iPad/iPhone support

I'm pretty happy that you guys and the guest like the page :)

hopefully I can build on this and make something in my own project to this available to more ppl :)

we will see :) WATCH THIS SPACE!! :)

1 則留言:

Flo 說...

Good job, next time pls prepare one for your own wedding, hohooho ^^